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The Electro-acoustic Music Festival Ecos Urbanos had its first edition on September 2015. It was organized by the composers and sound artists Eric Pérez Segura and Hugo Solís García and it was supported by Tecnológico de Monterrey.


The concerts during the first edition were in the National Phonoteque, the Digital Culture Center and the Superior School of Music. Our international guest composer were Jason Freeman from Georgia Tech and Juan Pampin from the University of Washington, and our national guest composer were Javier Álvarez, Antonio Russek, Roberto Morales, Rodrigo Sigal and Edgar Barroso. We also had the participation of several Mexican composers and ensembles. 8 multi-channel electro-acoustic pieces from different parts of the world were selected to be performed.

The second edition took place on November 2017 at the National Phonoteque, Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Superior School of Music. Jeff Treviño, from CSU, was the composer in residence and there were 24 works from 10 different countries in 6 different categories that involved electronic improvisation, multi-channel pieces and audiovisual works.

The logistics, promotion, sound check and web site design for the festival is possible thanks to the help of the students of the Digital Music Production Engineering program at Tecnológico de Monterrey


The third edition will be in November 2018, the CALL FOR PIECES is now open.

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