Concert 4
Wednesday, Noviember 16th, 2016
Salón 222 del Centro Nacional de las Artes
Mexico City
For this concert an octophonic arrangement of speakers was placed that surrounded two concentric circles of chairs in a dark room that allowed to obtain the best experience when listening the pieces without the need to direct the view towards a point.

During the concert the following works were presented:
Javier Lara (Mexico)
Living Voices
Niccoletta Andreuccetti (Italy)
Additional performance in Mexico
Is 8-channel acousmatic composition that uses sound materials of pure synthesis and concrete nature, processed, mixed and assembled in studio.
Sung and spoken voices intersect being with dehumanized digital world, but singing is transformed into gasp, while words cannot express that pure sound, a pure signifier in which the communicative dimension is lost. Between ‘speakability’ and ‘unspeakability’, between life and thought, the living voices are heartbeat of an astral and inhuman digital background, in which the possibility of representation opens to the world and then closes to the world in the moment itself of its appearance.
Opus Paladianum
Scott Barton (US)
Mexico Premiere
Opus Palladianum: voice and drums explores relations and contrasts, from those that are clear, such as the juxtaposition of opposites (soft, loud), to those that are ambiguous, such as the juxtaposition of synthetic and intimate. Contrast is created by presenting the voice and percussion elements in a variety of rhythmic, harmonic, stylistic and technological settings. These organizations illuminate timbral identities, associations that are connected to production processes, and the relationship between an object and its development. Such juxtapositions and superimpositions invite listeners to consider how context, and not just timbre, influences the aesthetics of recorded, sampled, and synthesized sound. The piece creates unity and connections among these disparate elements through its formal construction. As a result, there is connection despite heterogeneity; there is fluidity despite disruption; there is peace despite agitation; there is continuity despite discontinuity.
Stupids/synthetic Cavities
Omar Alfonso Hernandez (Mexico)
Worl Premiere
"(stupid/synthetic) cavities"
World Premiere
“From there to here….”
Clock Waters
Jeff Treviño (US)
World Premiere
It celebrates the sounds of clocks -- from the tiniest whirring of the bedside alarm clock to the grandest tower chime -- through an exploration of these sounds' uncannily liquid quality (when recorded at close proximity) and rhythmic vitality. The piece has been meticulously constructed from a reservoir containing tens of thousands of very short recordings of clocks of all sizes, which have been aggregated at high densities to construct a variety of rhythmic-aquatic phenomena.
The piece was made possible by the Dias de Música Electroacústica artist-in-residence program.