Friday November 11th, 2016
Lobby of "Preparatoria del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe"
Last Friday November 11th, at the High School lobby of “Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe”, the third concert for the second edition of the electroacoustic music festival “Ecos Urbanos 2016” took place. There, the lovers of this art who attended the concert could enjoy five multichannel pieces, presented with an octophonic arrangement distributed circularly around them. The order of the pieces, as well as their composers and the characteristics of their premier are listed below, with a brief review of the composers about their work…
Panayiotis Kokoras
Premier in México
Sense was composed in 2013-14 at the CEMI Studios at the University of North Texas. The sound core of Sense is the water as a sound object but also as energy and substance that affects other sounding objects. For the audio manipulation, I mainly used procedural audio, music information retrieval tools as well as traditional audio editing techniques. Sense is a story of a man pouring liquor into a glass. This piece was a finalist at the 2014 Biennial Metamorphose International Acousmatic Composition Competition in Brussels/ Belgium. This piece has been released by Musiques & amp. Recherches, MR 2014, Brussels/ Belgium.
Nicolas Marty
Premier in México
“You would enter the house and find yourself facing a badly painted, badly decorated corridor, full of drawings left there by a child, too carved in already to apply yourself to scrub the walls and give them back their former glory. The light would stay out, because the bulb would have burned out that very morning, and in most of the house there would be bare wires hanging from the ceiling, waiting.” Roxane Villeneuve – L’aveugle
Nicolletta Andrecceutti
Worldwide premier
Visions in Sound is inspired by “The Seven Messengers” by Dino Buzzati, from which extrapolates organizational principles and spectrum processing. The narrative of “The Seven Messengers” is organized per a micro-formal rhythm that follows the modeling principle of the logarithmic spiral. The distinguishing features of the spiral are employed in organizing the temporal structure of the piece, promoting a space-time multiplication process. The sound material symbolizes the becoming of time, from past to future, represented by a spectrum transfiguration that converts the initial sounds in metallic sounds colliding with the experience of the past.
Adam Stanovic
Premier in México
Fractions was composed in 2011 at Leeds College of Music (LCM), UK, and Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), Sweden; the piece would not exist without the generous support of these two institutions. Fractions is dedicated to Dale Jonathan Perkins (LCM), in recognition of his encouragement, his enthusiasm and his music.
Luis Valdivia
Aditional presentation in México
Xaev1uoX was completed in July 2015. It was done with the SuperColllider program. Its structure is determined by several automatic cells from the algorithm performed by Conway for the "Game of Life". In this game, you will find different types of structures, some static and others that make infinite mutations. These structures have been transferred to different parameters that determine the flow of music of the present work. As in the game, there are structures that make infinite mutations, others that are constantly repeated and others that are static. It is the contrast of these elements make up the subject of the work.
After this last piece ended, the concert concluded, making this the third presentation of the electroacoustic music festival “Ecos Urbanos 2016”.
Ecos Urbanos 2016 would like to thank the composers, the attendants and “Tecnológico de Monterrey” for making this third presentation possible.