Jeff Treviño's journey at Ecos Urbanos
Project review,
course at Tecnológico de Monterrey
and performance at Ecos Urbanos Festival.
The prestigious composer Jeff Treviño visited Mexico City for Ecos Urbanos Festival and Modularte Congress. During his first day, Tecnológico de Monterrey received him for a Python Command-Line tools course for electronic music composition and real-time score.

Jeff Treviño, Python course in classroom 3006 of Tecnológico de Monterrey's Santa Fe Campus.
The second day, Jeff was concentrated on the review of projects of different natures focused in music.
Nodes was the first project to get Jeff's attention, it is about a digital network (https://www.nodes.mx/) to connect professionals in the music industry and media. It was created by students of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Nodes presentation
Next, a project based in a PD patch that uses Markov chains and an Arduino microcontroller was presented. A snare drum improvises and imitates the execution of an artist.
It was created by students of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Afterwards, a project to detect music gestures from an improvised performance on the piano to generate graphic & proportional music notation. At the moment it is using MaxMSP to collect the data and JavaScript to analyse it. It is developed by Master Eric Perez y students of Tecnólogico de Monterrey.

Presentation by Master Eric Perez y the student Santiago Rentería
Finally, a a large visual and sound installation was presented, it was created by students of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Presentation of a visual and sound installation with Jeff Treviño

For the closure of Jeff Treviños' journey, he premierde his piece "Clock Waters" Ecos Urbanos Festival in the Sala 222 of Escuela Superior de Música.

Jeff Treviño and Master Eric Perez, Ecos Urbanos CEO.

Jeff Treviño's performance