Thursday, November 10th, 2016
Superior School of Music Lobby
The ECOS URBANOS’ second concert had an octaphonic circular sound system which allowed to reproduce the presented multichannel pieces as they were conceived by their respective artist. The public was also arranged in a circular shape.
In this concert two recorded pieces, a live-coding and two live improvisations were presented.
The pieces were presented in the next order:
Wolfram Amadeus: The Music of Mathematics by Diego Ortega. (Additional performance in Mexico)
A graphic representation of a mathematical function is interpreted and processed via derivation or integration by a software. An audio signal is returned from the process created with obtained information from the discrete mathematical function.
The architecture is composed by two process:
A mathematical process server
Parameters and normalisation of the information for its interpretation in audio generators.
The Project looks for the exploration of the mathematical abstraction through a sound experience. The engine of the piece is the human frustration in front of the mathematic complexity which are cold and far. Finally, it is about getting us closer to the mathematics from a sound point of view, a tool to understand reality.
Iquit by Ensamble Ananké: Homero Guerrero y Alfredo Sanchez de la Luz. (World Premiere)
The piece is created from the residual disemination of sound as a self-destruction or a disassembly in the most positive sens of the concept, which implies a revalorisation and re-reading of the various textural layers that compose the electroacoustic distortion created live. The spaciality of each sound gesture is created in relation to the residual interweave obtained by the reagroupation and reorder of the sound matter.
Los Ateos de Gomorra by Ensamble de Improvisación de la Escuela Superior de Música (World Premiere)
The diversity of the instruments used by the Ensamble de Improvisación de la Escuela Superior de Música makes all its specificity: from computers using Max/MSP or virtual synthetisers by Arturia, analog and digital synthetisers, to voices or acoustic instrument with effect pedals. Each composer is free to choose the instrument that makes them feel more comfortable to improvise. Most of the pieces are totally improvised, some others are based on basic structures predetermined by the group and others are opened pieces of the musical repertoire.
Reflections by Georgios Varoutsos. (Mexico Premiere)
Reflections by Georgios Varoutsos is an exploration piece from the personal recordings conducted over the month of November, 2015. After recording fifty-six different types of instruments, the project was intended to project the capabilities and characteristics of the recorded sounds. The sounds needed to abide by a project ruling which consisted of having every sound subjected to one and/or two initial sound modifications before alternative transformations. The conceptualization of this piece was to begin exploring alternate resources for sound material, my interest was moving away from digital source material and begin practicing my recording skills at the same time. This led to my piece deriving only from my own work and relying on my skills to be presented in every aspect of the piece.
Hyvat matkustajat by James Andean (Mexico Premiere)
Hyvat matkustajat (2014) (Finnish for 'Dear Travellers', but also for 'The Good Travellers') began life as a "sonic postcard from Finland", using soundscape field recordings from around the country. This turned out to be only the first stop on its journey, however. The original material was later further developed as material for sonic exploration and spectral transformations, with the external spaces of the original version taking a sharp digital turn inwards, to chart internal spectral landscapes, together with the soundmarks and soundscapes of its first incarnation.
Everything in Hyvat matkustajat is made from the original field recordings which first gave birth to the piece.
Finally, we want to thank the people who made this concert posible: the people of the Superior School of Music of Mexico and the National Center of Arts of Mexico, Yamaha Mexico, the participant artista and the direction of the ECOS URBANOS Festival.