Concert 5
Thursday, November 10th, 2016
Lobby of Escuela Superior de Música
The electracoustic music festival ECOS URBANOS was full of joy by having a concert into the celebration of the 80th. anniversary of Escuela Superior de Música, presenting pieces from students and teachers of this institution.
An octaphonic arrengment was installed, as in the other concerts, this time directing the public towards the pictures that were projected since this was a music and video concert.
In this concert, the presented pieces were:
Los Ateos de Gomorra by Ensamble de Improvisación de la Escuela Superior de Música (Additional performance in Mexico)
The diversity of the instruments used by the Ensamble de Improvisación de la Escuela Superior de Música makes all its specificity: from computers using Max/MSP or virtual synthetisers by Arturia, analog and digital synthetisers, to voices or acoustic instrument with effect pedals. Each composer is free to choose the instrument that makes them feel more comfortable to improvise. Most of the pieces are totally improvised, some others are based on basic structures predetermined by the group and others are opened pieces of the musical repertoire.
Iquit by Ensamble Ananké: Homero Guerrero y Alfredo Sanchez de la Luz. (Additional performance in Mexico)
The piece is created from the residual disemination of sound as a self-destruction or a disassembly in the most positive sens of the concept, which implies a revalorisation and re-reading of the various textural layers that compose the electroacoustic distortion created live. The spaciality of each sound gesture is created in relation to the residual interweave obtained by the reagroupation and reorder of the sound matter.
Cristal de tiempo by Hugo Rosales (Additional performance in Mexico)
1982 - 1983
Cycle: “Cristal de Tiempo”
“Cristal de Tiempo” is a inter-trans-disciplinary composition, it proposes a pyramidal concept (modular), which is composed by 4 pieces that are presented to the public, indendently or overlayed, giving a total of (4x4=) 16 combinatory pieces, that interact between them.
“Cristal de Viento” [Cristal de Tiempo I (1983) - tape in CD1] electroacoustic base with processed sounds from the wind of a huricane, interweaved with screams of woman in labour.
“Cristal de viento” [Cristal de Tiempo I (1983) - Fifth of percusions and tape in CD1] (This music is the base of the audiovisual spectacle “Piramides”)
“Cristal de agua” [Cristal de Tiempo III (1985 - Fifth of percusions, tape in CD1, video, dramatized poetry, dance and plastic expresions live]. (This piece is the base of the interdisciplinary spectacle “Quinto Sol”). First price in the interdisciplinary production contest PADID-CONACULTA-CENART-INBA (2000)
4.- “Cristal de Jade”, [Cristal de Tiempo IV – 1986] “Sueño (Sol Mestizo)”,(1995) tape in CD1, extenden symphonic orchestra and mixt choir, with texts by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Hugo Rosales Cruz. (First price of the “Concurso Nacional de Composición Sinfónica, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Tres Siglos de Inmortalidad”, 1995).
In this concert “Cristal de Tiempo 1” Video and electroacoustic music was presented.