Concert 6
November 18th, 2016
Sala Murray Shafer - Fonoteca Nacional
18 de noviembre del 2016 / 19:30 hrs.
This Friday, november 18th, the sixth and final presentation of the second edition of the electroacoustic music festival “Ecos Urbanos 2016”, took place at the “Sala Murray Shafer de la Fonoteca Nacional”. There, we could enjoy a new audiovisual experience which consisted in the presentation of four prerecorded video/sound pieces. The concert took place with the next arrangement:
SECRETS, DREAMS, FAITH AND WONDER – Stephen Travis Pope – Premier in México:
Secrets, Dreams, Faith and Wonder is a feature-length abstract music/video ritual of thanksgiving in five parts; it follows the structure of rituals of gratitude celebrated throughout the ages and across cultures and religions (and especially the Catholic Mass). The five pieces of music incorporate voices in Latin, English and Arabic (texts from the Bible, by M. L. King and M. K, Gandhi) as well as bird and whale songs. Each of the videos was made to fit the music of the respective movement. Each of the five parts has its own tonal and timbral language, and yet they fuse into a whole when viewed as a single large-scale work. The two inner parts (Leur Songe de la Paix and Credo) have text subtitles incorporated into the videos (texts by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas K. Gandhi, respectively), while the other parts each has a related text of some sort. The motivation for Secrets, Dreams, Faith and Wonder, for making a new mass for the new millennium, is summed up in the following paraphrased quote from the late Joseph Campbell, & quote:
“Those who have heard the rhythms and hymns of the angels, who have understood any of the words of the angels, will try to recite those hymns in such a way that the angels will be attracted”.
The films home page is: http://HeavenEverywhere.com/Secrets
CRISTAL DE TIEMPO – Hugo Rosales – Aditional presentation in México:
Intertransdisciplinary composition, which proposes a pyramidal concept (modular), consisting of 4 works that are presented to the public, either independently or superimposed, giving a total of 16 combinatorial works, which interact with each other.
“Cristal de Viento” [Cristal de Tiempo I (1983) - cinta en CD1] electroacoustic base with processed sounds of wind choruses of a prerecorded hurricane and woman in labor yelling.
“Cristal de Roca”, [Cristal de Tiempo II (1984) – 5to. De Percusiones y cinta en CD1]. (This work is the base for the audiovisual show “Pirámides”)
“Cristal de agua” [Cristal de Tiempo III (1985) - 5to. Perc., cinta en CD1, video, dramatized poetry, dance and plastic expressions played live]. (This work is the base for the interdisciplinary show “Quinto Sol”). First place in the interdisciplinary production contest PADID – CONACULTA – CENART – INBA, 2000.
“Cristal de Jade”, [Cristal de Tiempo IV – 1986] “Sueño (Sol Mestizo)”,(1995) cinta en CD1, widened synphonic orchestra and mixed chorus, with texts from Sor Juna Inés de la Cruz and Hugo Rosales Cruz. (First place in the “Concurso Nacional de Composición Sinfónica, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Tres Siglos de Inmortalidad”, 1995).
PIANO ROLL – Benjamin O’Brien – Premier in México:
Piano Roll takes inspiration from Conlon Nancarrow and his studies for the piano player. While composing the work, I was interested in convergent and divergent distributions and different ontological problems that emerge when visualising and sonifying them. While the eye can be used to survey histories of consequence, the ear is only concerned with the immediate. Thus, I wanted to draw attention to the ear via the eye. To do so, I generated different distributions from a statistical feedback model and used them to sequence material, playing with ideas of ratio and space. Piano Roll was commissioned by the Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille.
CONSTELLATIONS – Julian Scordatto – Aditional presentation in México:
This work begins from the exploration of an imaginary celestial space, which is translated into sound space. How does each celestial sphere – starting from its manifestation as a unit – interact with the cosmos where it belongs? How does it react to its law? How does it transform itself integrating with the system, until the loss of identity? In contrast with that process, the constellations act underlining the bodies in their uniqueness by means of creation of symbolic links: beyond the sense, they stand as a classification and articulation device of the individual inside the system.
And so, after concluding the last piece of the concert, the sixth and final concert of the festival came to an end.
The second edition of the electroacoustic music festival “Ecos Urbanos 2016” would like to appreciate the composers, the attendants, and specially “Fonoteca Nacional” for making the last presentation of the festival possible, and letting it conclude as the success it was.

Concert 6